3 Gators and a Baby (Miami Edition)
OK so there were more than three Gators in Miami - but then I couldn't use the cute movie reference!
This past weekend out family headed out on a mini-vacation to Miami. Not the most relaxing city to spend a weekend but we had other reasons for going. Maribel, one of my favorite (Nikki notice I said one) college roommates, was having a baby shower. This is a woman who in college you could never picture having a baby, let alone a baby shower! But as the years go by things change so Matt, Cooper and I found ourselves battling the horrific drivers of Miami so we could welcome the newest baby boy into the group - Baby Harrison.
Now things didn't change too much (Maribel still hates anything overly frilly) so it was a Gator tailgate themed baby shower, complete with baby's breath bouquets in "Football" vases.
(an orange and blue diaper cake - the only "cutesy" thing allowed)
Catching up up with old friends is always nice, but this was an especially joyous occasion. So what do you get the newest Baby Gator? Only the best organic and gator themed baby things will do from The Blue Peony of course! Plus I always like to add in something special just for the new mom.
I made a basket (something she could use for storage later) filled with mostly essentials:
- Burp bib in blue squiggle organic cotton
- Large bib in Ed Emberley's alligator organic cotton
- Small bib in blue squiggle organic cotton
- Organic flannel baby wipes set
- Our signature "Made in Florida" organic cotton onesie
- Tissue case - these things are perfect in the diaper bag
- Organic alligator softie toy - just to tie together the theme
- Lavender eye pillow - I think it is always nice to give something special just to the new mom.
- Plus you can see peeking out from the back a hand-carved alligator puppet I picked up at an antique store awhile ago - I've been waiting for the perfect moment to give it to them.
I gave her a few toys but I always feel that they can come later once the baby is born, you don't want a new mom worrying about buying bibs and baby wipes. Once Baby Harrison makes his debut you can congratulate the new birth with a coordinating set of stacking blocks or even a custom organic quilt.
All in all is was a great weekend, families coming together and growing - what started out as 3 college roommates sharing a dorm freshman year has grown to include husbands, children and even more friends. Isn't life fabulous?
All the best, Jennifer.
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